Title: Ride of Her Life
Author: Anne Rainey
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Buy Link: Buy Ride Of Her Life Here!
Rating: You Need to Read
Reviewed by: Gabrielle
It's been a year since her divorce and Lily Justice is ready to move on-but not with just any man. She's got a certain drool-worthy body shop owner in mind. It's almost convenient that her car needs some work. And when she meets Kyle Wolff up close and personal, her inner-slut has to have him, age difference be damned. With the car staying at the shop, Kyle graciously offers to give her a lift home.
While she accepts a ride on Kyle's hot motorcycle, Lily's inner-slut wants a hot ride on Kyle.
She's about to get what she wants. And it will be the ride of her life…
A year after her divorce Lily has finally decided to take the bull by the horns and ask Kyle out. Yet when she arrives at his auto shop she finds herself scared and worried that their age difference might be a problem but Kyle is not ready to let this beautiful woman slip from his grasp.
Ride of Her Life is a wonderful story. I just fell in love with Kyle; he is such a sweet man. As sexy as he is on the outside it is what is on his inside that endeared him to me. He loves with all his heart and wants to make Lily happy any way that he can. Lily is a great character as well. A woman who is mature and strong, she is able to stand on her two feet even after all she has been through. I just adored the banter that these two shared. They make a great couple never taking the other for granted.
Anne Rainey weaves a wonderful story full of love and emotion that keeps your attention all the way to the end. I really enjoyed this read and cannot wait to see what this author comes up with next.