Title: Never As It Seems
Author: Shiloh Walker
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Buy Link: Buy Never As It Seems Here!
Rating: You Gotta Read
Reviewed by: Mickey
Three years after he walked away and broke her heart, Leo is back in Chloe's life and that's the last place she wants him. Not that she has any choice in the matter. She's in big trouble. She needs somebody to watch her back, and he's the "somebody".
Three years ago, Chloe dumped a bombshell in Leo's lap. I'm psychic, she told him. As if he was supposed to believe that. His world is black and white, and he doesn't buy into that mumbo-jumbo. Walking away from her damn near killed him, but he couldn't be with somebody he couldn't trust.
His new job? Keep Chloe safe. That's it. He's not supposed to touch her. He's not supposed to make love to her. He's not supposed to want her…need her…love her. But he can't stop thinking about her, can't stop dreaming about her. Now that she's back in his life, he can't keep his hands off her either.
Second chances are always wonderful, especially when offering the opportunity to correct a past mistake, which is what we find in Never As It Seems. Chloe Perkins and Leo Gray have a past, a relationship that failed due to misconceptions. The pair now have the opportunity to try again if Leo will have an open mind, and if Chloe will give him that second chance. Ms. Walker's writing shows an unbelievable emotional range as she takes her readers from incredible highs to equally extreme lows. While Never As It Seems is categorized as erotica, it is so much more emotionally invested than the average novel.
The intricate plot, fascinating characters and complex storyline all seemed like a bonus to this reader, but one I gladly accepted while reading this novel. What is there not to appreciate in the witty dialogue between two people trying to re-establish a relationship, setting off sparks the entire time? Especially as the book still manages to contain a number of vivid and sensual love scenes to keep things steamy. Happily, Ms. Walker manages to keep the tension high, and her readers guessing at the outcome until the very end, eagerly turning each page in anticipation. I thoroughly enjoyed Never As It Seems, this is a charming story, well worth reading.