Title: Icarus

Author: Sherry L. King

Publisher: Ellora's Cave

Buy Link: Buy Icarus Here!

Rating: You Need to Read

Reviewed by: Mickey


He comes to her in dreams, when she is most vulnerable to his stirring touches and burning kisses. He drinks her blood and binds her to him in ways no mortal lover ever could…but Morrigan doesn't want to believe that her water-dwelling blood drinker is anything more than a figment of her deprived imagination. Morrigan wants to be free of her addiction to the highly sexual creature she knows only as Az. But Az has other plans…and soon he hopes Morrigan will be too deeply under his spell to care that he wants to take her back to his homeworld…to be his mate for all eternity.


I love reading stories that can send chills down my spine as well as shivers over my body. Icarus is just such a novel, and Az is certainly that type of hero: dark and mysterious, definitely dangerous and otherworldly. The relationship between Morrigan and Az begins as a dream and progresses to a fantasy taking the reader into their soft and magical world. Ms. King does a compelling job of juxtaposing the fantasy with reality to keep us tied to her characters, somehow making her story even more sensual and mesmerizing.

I must admit some familiarity and fondness for Sherri King's books and her Horde Wars characters, making me eager to read Icarus. Did this sway me in favor of the story, not necessarily. If anything I believe my expectations were slightly higher due to that familiarity. I am just happy my expectations were not only met, they were surpassed by this novella. Once again, Ms. King continues to provide her readers with sensual and dreamy love scene that manage to retain a hard-edged level of eroticism keeping them from being to bland or "vanilla." As a bonus, she also added a villain to the story to add a little spice to the plot, which only makes it better rather than more confused or muddied. All in all, this is a very good story, one well worth reading.

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